Name: Orion Sinclaire
Profession: Prince
Race: Vampire
S/O: Straight
Age: Looks 25
Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair: Black
Height: 6' 3"
Appearance: Wears a suit most of the time, black in colour, or even a white suit, depends on his mood.
Dislikes: Most humans
Likes: Other Vampires, some other magical beings.
Weapon of Choice: He uses his own physical strength and magic, but also uses a sword from time to time.
Abilities: Like most vampires he is a lot stronger and faster with heightened sense of smell and sight as well.
Personality: Unlike most Vampires, he is interested in some of the other races, having spent some time studying them and living among them from time to time. He is strong and intimidating but also kind.
Magic: He is able to control some Elements, fire and wind.