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This character is based on Percy Jackson, and is used in similar rps, but can be used in others.
Name: Thanos
Profession: Son of Hades
Race: Half God Half Human
S/O: Straight
Age: 25
Eye Colour: Gold
Hair: Black
Height: 6' (Can change between 5' 8"-6' 7")
Appearance: Wears a suit most of the time, black in colour, with black gloves (As seen in pictures) Sometimes wears a skull mask he makes appear with magic.
Dislikes: Most humans
Likes: His father, Hell, Cerberus, other creature
Weapon of Choice: He uses a Katana he has hidden in his coat pocket, it is in the form of a key chain.
Abilities: He can control fire like his father, fire does not harm him and can heal him.
Personality: He is a strong man, and likes attention to a degree, he is arrogant a lot of the time, and can be kind when he feels like it.
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